Friday, 27 April 2012

Sew Inspiring #3

I have been neglecting my blog feed recently due to other things going on but I am slowly catching up.
A few things have caught my eye that have given me the kick start I need to unpack all my sewing bits and bobs and get creative...

The first is this post from Goodnight Prudence, she is making a patchwork quilt from a selection of beautiful vintage fabrics. I could look at those pretty patterns all day!
Picture taken from Goodnight Prudence

I found this post from Kaylah from The Dainty Squid on how she organises her blog posts really interesting. I haven't got quite as much content as her yet but I think being more organised in blogging will (in theory) make me more organised with the projects I am working on. Deadlines people!
Picture taken from The Dainty Squid

Aand finally, my lovely friend Sophie Lee is part of an artist book collective called Parlour Press and they have been featured in Wonderland magazine. They make BEAUTIFUL books and are currently holding events called The Reading Room where you go and read and appreciate independently made books whilst sitting in a cosy space. I love the idea and I am really inspired with how much work they put into making their books, they are just lovely.

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