Sunday, 8 July 2012

Sew Inspiring #10

I have spent a large amount of my (working) week lusting over clothes that I wish I owned because the beautiful models make me believe I will look exactly like them in the picture. I will, right? Right??
I was impressed to see how many embroidered items there are in the high street shops, obviously they won't be hand embroidered- well I would hope they aren't employing someone to hand embroider hundreds of thousands of flowers onto dresses at a cost of about £28....but you never know nowadays. 
I have included a round up of all my favourite bits I have come across, with click through links so then we can all look like those pretty pretty models! 


I had to include this top otherwise it would have been cute summer dress overload.

Mmmmm dreamy! 

1 comment:

  1. I love collar dresses :)
    amazing post!
