Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Hot hot hot air balloon

Way back at the beginning of June, when the weather was half way to resembling summer (I promise, when the rain sorts itself out and goes away and then the sun makes an appearance, I will stop with all this weather talk) I made a hot air balloon bag which I wasn't overly keen on. I mean, it was ok, just didn't have that pizzazz (?) that I was hoping for. I don't really know what pizzazz is, but the bag certainly didn't have it. 
So I went away and came up with a new design, just like that. Cause when you don't like something, just make it better. So here it is, a vintage style hot air balloon. 

Isn't she pretty? 

I used two different colours, yes TWO. It was a tough decision to add in another colour but I think it makes the ropes stand alone instead of moulding into the balloon. 

I also ventured away from the trusty split stitch and included stem stitch for the ropes, they look like actual ropes, amazing!

I hope you like it, this week I'm hoping to try it out in a different colour.

This has pizzazz.


  1. this is awesome and a great way of sprucing up a tote bag - I seriously need to learn how to embroider, too many cute opportunities are passing me by! x
