Friday, 27 April 2012

Sew Inspiring #3

I have been neglecting my blog feed recently due to other things going on but I am slowly catching up.
A few things have caught my eye that have given me the kick start I need to unpack all my sewing bits and bobs and get creative...

The first is this post from Goodnight Prudence, she is making a patchwork quilt from a selection of beautiful vintage fabrics. I could look at those pretty patterns all day!
Picture taken from Goodnight Prudence

I found this post from Kaylah from The Dainty Squid on how she organises her blog posts really interesting. I haven't got quite as much content as her yet but I think being more organised in blogging will (in theory) make me more organised with the projects I am working on. Deadlines people!
Picture taken from The Dainty Squid

Aand finally, my lovely friend Sophie Lee is part of an artist book collective called Parlour Press and they have been featured in Wonderland magazine. They make BEAUTIFUL books and are currently holding events called The Reading Room where you go and read and appreciate independently made books whilst sitting in a cosy space. I love the idea and I am really inspired with how much work they put into making their books, they are just lovely.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Tweet tweet

Just a little update to show you what I have been upto...

This little bird took me forever due to moving house but I do love him. I used three different stitches in this one, split stitch, back stitch and french knot. Tweet tweet!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

On top

Things have been pretty manic the last few days, we are in the process of moving house which is waaaay more stressful then I remember. Aren't landlords just the most awful human beings in the world!?
Anywaaaay, before I packed my sewing machine away I managed to tackle my first pattern, jeeeez louise, it was HARD!
I chose the Simplicity 8523 top, I would have preferred to try a simple dress but I got quite overwhelmed in John Lewis and after looking for a pattern for nearly an hour, I panicked and took the one first one I had seen an hour ago.

I made top A, I like a high neck and figured I might aswell attempt to put sleeves in (this was when I was feeling confident…tooooo confident some might say…)
The instructions were easy-ish to follow - especially for a complete beginner.
I got some very useful tips from the Coletterie blog - especially on how to finish seams and generally just do a better job at it then I would have done on my own.
And here it is...

Overall I am pleased with the top, I know some things could be better with it- like it is quite baggy around my stomach (sneaky hands on hip pose has disguised this) and after making the top, im not sure how I could alter it to be less baggy?
I just know that for next time I will cut the pattern a bit smaller.
Also, the sleeves confused the hell out of me, but I managed to attach them the right way round - im not 100% sure if I could do that again.
I would try making the pattern again but it has frazzled my brain so I may need a little break!

I only have one picture to show you as the weather has been miserable, my stuff is everywhere and I look like I have aged about 20 years in the past week. After I have moved I will take some more detailed shots of the sleeves and fastening. I just wanted to share my new make with you!

Oh, by the way...for this picture I wore the collar I mentioned in this post. Collars hide a lot of sins, I like collars.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Birds of a Sewer

Easter weekend has been spent in the best way possible- visiting family, eating my weight in chocolate and sewing up these little beauties...

 We are moving house in just over a week, so I am hoping to have a sneaky something to show you before my sewing machine is packed up... Stay tuned!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Sew Inspiring

This week I have been mostly…practising embroidery.
I mentioned in my last post that I had tackled the french knot - which I managed with a little help from the tutorial over at Sublime Stitching. If you think embroidery is for your granny, then head on over to Sublime Stitching where they will change your mind in a heart beat and by this time next week you will have embroidered everything you own…  The tutorials are so easy and helpful, go look!

Another blog that has been inspiring me this week is Andrea over at four square walls. Her OWOP post has really inspired me to start looking at patterns (with a VERY open mind) and construct something I would actually want to wear - with hopefully a bit more technique to it then stuffing some elastic in for the waistband… I can't believe that she made all 6 of those tops from the same pattern. Girls got talent.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Knot it

I have developed a horrible cold/sore throat combo so have been feeling sorry for myself the past few days. I spent the weekend hibernating in bed and could barely find the energy to make myself food...okay, so maybe I am being a tad dramatic but this is all leading somewhere...
Whilst I was bed bound I decided to practise my embroidery skillz by learning a new stitch, the french knot.
Its quite difficult to get the hang of but once you get it, its etched in your brain for good.
I got slightly carried away practising so ended up making this:

Its some kind of colour progression french knot hoop? I dunno what to call it, but it looks pretty sweet!
Im thinking of making a few of these in some nice pastel shades and hanging them on the wall in the embroidery hoop.
Thats another technique ticked off the list!